Monday, June 30, 2008

Wedding Day Activities

We will be organizing two optional (and free) activities for our guests on Saturday, both of which will start and end at Hotel Mursia. The tours, organized by Tonino Marino and his cousin Valerio, consist of a tour of the island by boat and the other by land. If you plan on joining either tour, you will need to confirm the night before (we will have sign-up sheets at the degustation at our house Friday evening).

Le escursioni organizzate in compagnia di Tonino

Marino Travel Tour Brigantino (Brigantino Giro dell'Isola), Pantelleria (TP)
0923 311272, cell 0338 6410377

Red Tour Escursione Rossa (land tour): This tour consists of a drive around the island, stopping at various archaeological sites and points of interest. Depending on time, the tour may also stop at a wine canteen. If you are interested in the history of Pantelleria and in beautiful panoramas, this is the tour for you. Highlights include:
  1. Neolithic tombs Tombe neolitiche
  2. Hot springs Aqua termale
  3. Caper farm Visita al capperificio
  4. Phoenician funerary statues Statue funerarie fenicie
  5. Clifftop vista Visita al Salto della Vecchia
  6. Seaside stop Sosta baleare
  7. Pantesco food and wine tasting Degustazione assaggi di prodotti tipici
Departure Time -- 9:30 AM from the Hotel Mursia
Estimated Return Time -- 13:30

Blue Tour Escursione Blu (boat tour): On this tour you will travel by boat around the island, stopping by beaches unreachable by land. A light meal will be provided.

Departure Time -- 9:00 AM from the Hotel Mursia
Estimated Return Time -- 13:30

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