Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pantelleria Island Sightseeing

Pantelleria is the perfect place to do absolutely nothing but sleep, eat and laze by the pool under the bright sun. During a week in Pantelleria, Paolo and I escape our stressful, over-worked lives and return refreshed and rejuvenated to the daily grind. But for those who prefer more active holidays, there is plenty to explore over the course of a long weekend.

Below is a map that highlights some key sights in Pantelleria, as well as the location of our house. Click on the image for a larger map.

Map provided by Rosario Di Fresco

For inspiration on places to visit and things to do on Pantelleria, here are some images of the island's top spots.

Pantelleria measures 9 miles long and 5 miles wide. A non-stop drive around the entire island takes about an hour, with stops, around two. Stop for photos at the following spots:

Montagna Grande: where you find delicious forest fruit, refreshingly crisp air and sturdy pine trees, rather than cacti and capers

Salto la Vecchia: a beautiful vista where the cliff drops 282 meters to the sea

Balata dei Turchi: rare, natural access to the sea, which the Saracens used for stealthy landings

Arco dell’Elefante (Elephant’s Trunk): spectacular, volcanic arch that reaches out to sea

Photo provided by Rosario Di Fresco

Specchio di Venere
(Mirror of Venus): shallow lake dotted with numerous bubbling, thermal springs along the shore

Photo provided by Rosario Di Fresco

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