Friday, August 8, 2008

Grazie | Thank You

We are grateful to everyone who helped us have a wonderful wedding weekend in Pantelleria. In particular we would like to thank Rosario and the Di Fresco family for helping us organise such a large event in the middle of the busy summer season. Not only did they host our wedding dinner at their hotel, our dear friends contributed beautiful gifts such as the wedding cake, fireworks and DJ.

We feel enormous gratitude also to Pierangelo, Marinella and Andrea "Catapulce" Giacalone. They were angels who helped us thwart a number of near disasters the day of the wedding and remained supportive and calm during our bouts of pre-marital stress. Grazie.

The following individual's artistic touches contributed to the magic.
  • Invitations and menus: Max Trombacco & Roberto "Sensation" Sensidoni
  • Flowers: Paola & Anna

  • Band: Kris & the Vito Malato Band

  • Groom's suit: Bice Tioli

  • Wedding dress: Anna Carozza
I went to Anna with the idea of an asymmetric Greco-Roman style dress using silk tulle and she made it into a beautiful, floating cloud-like vision. I recommend Anna to any woman who has a vision of her dream dress. Anna will take your dreams and transform them into reality, all with couture details. (For those women interested, my gold sandals were from Gina Shoes in London.)
We would like to also express our thanks and love for our family. Paolo's father and sisters took on a part-time job preparing our wedding: setting up and decorating the house, making the invitations possible, selecting the wine, helping us with countless details. Without our sisters Jane may have had a breakdown in the hour before the ceremony. Our siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and all of our extended family added to the joy and laughter, and even to the musical entertainment. Thank you dear parents for granting us our wish, speaking in front of all of our guests, and imparting words of love and wisdom.

And to all of our friends who came to our wedding and bestowed warm wishes for our life together, thank you.

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