Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wedding Day: The Ceremony

The Saturday wedding ceremony took place on the terrace of Chiare Stelle, our home in Pantelleria. We moved the ceremony back an hour to avoid having our guests melt under the full summer sun, and then Jane, per form, was both fashionable and late to arrive.

We wed under an arch of bougainvilleas and peonies, which luckily held up under the strong wind. Rosario Di Fresco acted as our officiant, welcoming our guests and introducing our parents, who imparted words of wisdom and love. Paolo's father, Armando, spoke, followed by Annette Wijkander, Paolo's mother, and Jae-Hwi Yoo, Jane's father. Lastly, Paolo and Jane exchanged vows, rings and a kiss. In the end, despite near crises and mini-dramas, the ceremony was heartfelt and beautiful.

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